Friday, March 4, 2011

MySpace it’s still so cool, man.

People at work have the “whatever happened to MySpace” conversation every now and then. I think I have the answer, using common sense. To tell the truth MySpace is pretty cool. You can customize your profile, you can add pictures, you can add videos, you can have friends comment on your page, and more. MySpace was so cool that even right from the start you will have Tom, the co-founder of MySpace, as a friend. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, didn’t do that. If you had or still have a MySpace page you understand how cool it was.
If it was so cool what happened to MySpace then? Well, your friends happened. The only reason any of us have a social network is because of our friends… maybe because of our family members. Think about it back in the mid- 2000s. Why did you open a MySpace? Simple, you opened a MySpace because your friends did. So when you got older, graduated high school, started college, and had a .edu e-mail, you opened a Facebook profile. You opened a Facebook profile because one of your friends thought it was cool. “People want to go on the internet and check out their friends, so why not build a website that offers that?” Mark Zuckerberg says that in one of the lines of the movie the Social Network... Even though, MySpace already existed.
In 2007 when you didn’t need a .edu email to open a Facebook profile, MySpace started dying very slowly. It seems like MySpace didn’t do anything to try to keep people going back to their site or having people log back into MySpace. The truth is that they did, but probably no one saw it because they were on Facebook. One of the things MySpace did was to do a reality Web show called “Getting Married on MySpace”.
MySpace also failed to go internationally early. For example, I am Colombian and I still have most of my family there plus a lot of childhood friends. I remember asking one of my friends if they had a MySpace profile in Colombia, he had no clue what I was talking about. Facebook serves pretty much all of the world when MySpace might serve international, but not that many people think MySpace is better than Facebook in other countries.
Well let’s just say that Tom thought 1 million dollars was cool and Mark thought 1 billion dollars was cooler.
Now in 2011, the new question is, can

MySpace come back from the death and be popular again? The answer is NO! Simply because I doubt your friends, or you, would think now in 2011 MySpace would be cooler than Facebook. Now, MySpace has tried to be like Facebook so much it lost its coolness and originality. MySpace is now called My_____ (get it My than a Space). Also, MySpace now will allow you to tag your friends and change your status, just like Facebook.
The bottom line is that MySpace is cool, it’s the same as Facebook, but if no one accesses it, who is going to know if MySpace is cool or not? Let’s just say that MySpace is an application for Facebook now, since you can connect to MySpace using your Facebook account. In addition, Facebook it’s so cool that they have their own movie.

That's the truth,



  1. This is so true Mauricio. The other day I signed into my Myspace account after not logging in since 2008! Just because I was curious after talking to one of my friends saying how myspace disappeared. At first I was like wow myspace that's like ancient history. Then when I logged on it I was like wow look at that old picture I had defaulted as my profile pic in 2008. Myspace to me just brings out high school memories, I used to log on a lot and did everything from the comments to the html codes changing my background, and putting up pictures, music etc. I used to love Myspace but then when Facebook came along it changed everything. Like you said MySpace didn't even try to bring back it's users.

  2. Mauricio, I believe that it all begins with a buzz... Think about the differences between Tom and Mark. When Tom created Myspace, he was in his 30's, Mark created Facebook in his early 20's How cool is that? Tom created Myspace in a very wide pool of users, granting access to a young immature crowd (not cool yet...) an old or seasoned crowd (not cool ANY MORE...) and everything in between. Mark targeted the generation that establishes what's cool and what's not. The one that the young peeps can't wait to be and the generation that our parents, teachers and older family members want to re experience.

    After having all the hipsters, yuppies, bohemians, and everybody else, talking about Facebook (buzz...) of course everybody we talked about before wanted to be there as well and that was the key... to win the hearts of the hardest, coldest critics (us) because after that the battle was half way won.

    Ps, I can totally relate to your comment about your friend in Colombia, I asked one of my friends in Bogota if she had myspace and she was like "no, but you can facebook me"

  3. @ Christy, I also loged in to MySpace not that long ago. I remember I had over 300 back in 2007. Now, in 2011, I have around 160. I tried to delete it but MySpace is not the same so I don't know how. The question is, did you change from MySpace to Facebook because of your friends?... Well, like I did.
    Ps. That's the only reason I don't have Twitter. None of my friends have it, so no one would read my tweets and or I won't have interest in reading other tweets from people I don't know.
    @ Cinthya, immature... MySpace was so immature. I remember an ex girlfriend was mad at me because she was my number 2 in my top 8. Also, remember those friends that were not part of your top 8 asking you why they weren't in it... Probably because they were pathetic enough to ask haha
