As technology progresses every day, so are companies that want to succeed. Everyone knows that the best way to succeed is to make as much profit as possible. Usually, companies either have a marketing department or they hired a marketing firm in order to get into a market they want to target. Hopefully, this would lead to get as many sales from those potential customers. That is pretty easy, right? Well, not really. Marketers would usually use all the ways possible to get customers attention with hope they are interested in their products or services. The usual ways to get a prospect customers attention is using TV advertisement, Radio advertisement, Billboard advertisement, and if you are older than fifty you probably remember the newspaper advertisement. Sometimes, these forms of gathering attention from a customer works or sometimes it does not. Here is the hard part or marketing, when a company does not reach a potential customer or the companies are not reaching enough of them. This is where e-marketing comes to the help, or does it.
This is how e-marketing got started. The e-mail was created in the early 70s, leading to the email advertisement creation shortly after in 1978. Now, keep in mind that in the United States and all over the world the Internet didn't become popular untill the mid 90’s. Almost a decade before the Internet was popular, email advertisement already existed. For those like me who were born in the late 80s and starting using email in the early 2000’s we referred to email advertising to SPAM. I remember when I was around twelve receiving emails on how to better my credit score or a low price weight lost medicine, medicine in which you don’t need to work out and or change your eating habits and still lose 20 lbs. in a week!, I guess you get the point.
E-marketing has the ability to reach a lot of people, which is why it might make it a little annoying. For example, I am a 6’3, 185lbs. guy with a beautiful girlfriend, catholic, and I have an iPhone with at&t. I’m obliviously skinny, in a relationship, and I know there is no way I can’t get a free iPhone for any reason. So when I receive emails to lose weight, singles from every ethnicity and religions are interested in me, and if I fill a survey I will get a free iPhone, it gets annoying. I am not the only one who thinks these emails are annoying and that is why there are laws against spamming. Laws that would allow you to unsubscribe from these companies that you do not want hear from. There you go, laws will prevent companies from spamming you, problem solved… Not. The internet still is out there and almost every website you visit will have an advertisement. Since the Internet is more accessible you will even get more advertisement in your smart phones, video game systems, and televisions set.
In contrast, if you are actually looking for a product or service e-marketing can help you find whatever you want. For example, I like going to NBA and NFL games. The first time I thought I could afford to go to an NBA game I couldn’t afford the prices that Ticket Master was offering, in addition the fees Ticket Master had and still has. Thank god to an advertisement of eBay I saw on that said something like “find everything on eBay.” I looked for the seats that I wanted, and I got really good tickets from a season ticket holder that couldn’t go to that particular game. Now I receive email from eBay and every time I want to go to an NBA or game I’ll get my tickets from there. In addition, if you are interested in a product or service and you get it from a big company they will usually send you offers and discounts so you can make repeat purchases with them. Companies like BestBuy, Macys, East Bay, Footlocker, NBA Store, and NFL Store send me offers and reminders of deals of related things that I have purchased.
That's the truth,